Tutor Zone FL is the right choice for you. With years of providing an unmatched tutoring service and receiving a vast amount of positive feedback, we have successfully established ourselves as a leading tutoring service.

Why Us?

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qualified teachers

0 K+


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study hours

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Passionate Tutoring by Local Teachers

Has your child fallen behind in coursework? Is your child prepared for state mandated testing? Does your child wants to excel in advanced classes?

Whatever the situation, our teachers work in the local community and are familiar with the many challenges that students face today. They are in the classrooms …


We love what we do

$225 Weekly Tuition

Tutor Zone Academic Summer Camp

We offer tutoring programs for most subjects including math, , reading, writing
$995 Monthly Tuition

Micro School Program

For school-aged students, we offer homeschooling options. Flexible Schedule, Part-time and Full-time Options Call us for more details
$99 Weekly

Afterschool Program and Homework Help

Daily Camps

Tutor Zone Camp

We offer tutoring programs for most subjects including math, , reading, writing
$199 Monthly Tuition

Group Classes

For school-aged students, we offer group classes afterschool
$169 Weekly

Afterschool Program Tutoring and Homework Help



Students’ opinions

Areas Covered

Coral Springs, Parkland, Coconut Creek, Boca Raton, Margate

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